Dracula, Lord of the Damned

David Macpherson as Jonathan Harker

Amanda Lisman as Mina Murray

Denise Brown as Lucy Westwood

Mike Grimshaw as Dr. Abraham Van Helsing

Ian Case as Dr. John Seward

Hal Hewett as Mr. Renfield

Randall Carnell as Quincy Morris

Michelle Chowns as Hecate

Kjell Cawsey as Ariel

Imogene Cookie-Bailey as Trillian

Emily DeKorte as Echo

Gala Apple as Willie

Alexandra Steinmetz as the Peasant Woman

Giles and Kingo as the Orderlies

Ethan Jensen as Young Dracula

and Theodore Trout as The Big 'D'

Available now from Wild Eye Releasing

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Dracula, Lord of the Damned
Dracula Lord of the Dam